Tue. Jan 14th, 2025

All-WJG Basketball Teams 2021-22

3 min read

WJG Sports Girls Basketball Player of the Year

  1. Clayton junior Darrionna Howard
  2. Wayne Country Day junior Ja’Kea Brunson
  3. Southern Wayne freshman Neveah Hines-Bass

WJG Sports Girls Defensive Player of the Year

Clayton junior Darrionna Howard

WJG Sports Girls Rookie of the Year

Southern Wayne freshman Neveah Hines-Bass

WJG Sports Girls Most Improved Player of the Year

Eastern Wayne senior Jada Hamilton

WJG Sports Girls Coach of the Year

Alfonza Hooper, Eastern Wayne


First Team

Clayton junior Darrionna Howard

Wayne Country Day junior Ja’Kea Brunson

Southern Wayne freshman Neveah Hines-Bass

Wayne Christian sophomore Ella Fox

Princeton junior Anna Taylor

Second Team

Wayne Country Day sophomore Kyrah Davis

Wayne Country Day 8th grader Jada Vanderhorst

Wayne Country Day senior Kimora Cox

Southern Wayne junior Jamaiya Bass

Clayton freshman Kaylin McKoy

Third Team

Eastern Wayne senior Jada Hamilton

Wayne Christian senior Caroline Fox

Wayne Christian senior Bri Verme

Southern Wayne senior Jamiya leach

Corinth Holders sophomore Kamea Davis


First Team

Wayne Country Day junior Jakea Brunson

Wayne Christian sophomore Ella Fox

Southern Wayne freshman Neveah Hines-Bass

Southern Wayne junior Jamaiya Bass

Wayne Country Day sophomore Kyrah Davis

Second Team 

Wayne Christian senior Bri Verme

Wayne Country Day 8th grader Jada Vanderhorst

Wayne Country Day senior Kimora Cox

Southern Wayne senior Jamaiya Leach

Eastern Wayne senior Jada Hamilton

Third Team

Wayne Christian senior Caroline Fox

Goldsboro senior Precious Williams

Eastern Wayne sophomore Shuntay Douglas

C.B. Aycock junior Destiny Mason

Southern Wayne junior Taniyah Glaspie


First Team

Clayton junior Darrionna Howard

Clayton freshman Kaylin McKoy

Princeton junior Anna Taylor 

Corinth Holders sophomore Kamea Davis

West Johnston junior Mallory Nolan

Second Team

Cleveland junior Brooklynn Waller

Clayton junior Kayla Robertson

Cleveland freshman Kendall Gaunt

Corinth Holders senior Abbey Gallons

West Johnston senior Chassidy McDougald

Third Team

Clayton junior Peyton Sharp

South Johnston freshman Lannah Price

Corinth Holders freshman Ja’Kiyah Moore

North Johnston senior Na’Kiya Blue 

Neuse Charter freshman Cayley Cochran

WJG Sports Boys Basketball Player of the Year

  1. Goldsboro junior Ta’korrie Faison
  2. Wayne Country Day junior Collin Tanner
  3. Cleveland senior Trey Fields

WJG Sports Boys Defensive Player of the Year

Princeton junior Aden Taylor

WJG Sports Boys Rookie of the Year

North Johnston freshman Marcel Freeman

WJG Sports Most Improved Player of the Year

Goldsboro junior Taj Joyner

WJG Sports Coach of the Year

Justin Batts, Cleveland


First Team

Goldsboro junior Ta’korrie Faison

Cleveland senior Trey Fields

Wayne Prep sophomore Amari Latham

Wayne Country Day junior Collin Tanner

Princeton junior Aden Taylor

Second Team

Cleveland senior Baron Williams

Cleveland senior Dylan Wiggins

Wayne Country Day junior Nayshin Waller

Wayne Christian senior Jay Curry

C.B. Aycock sophomore Kam Prince

Third Team

Eastern Wayne senior Albert Brown

Greene Central junior KJ Harper

Wayne Country Day junior Jordan Cooper

C.B. Aycock junior JD Dunn

Goldsboro junior Taj Joyner


First team

Goldsboro junior Ta’korrie Faison

Wayne Country Day junior Collin Tanner

Wayne Prep sophomore Amari Latham

Wayne Country Day junior Nayshin Waller

Wayne Christian senior Jay Curry

Second Team

C.B. Aycock sophomore Kam Prince

Eastern Wayne senior Albert Brown

Greene Central junior KJ Harper

C.B. Aycock junior JD Dunn

Goldsboro junior Taj Joyner

Third Team

Wayne Country Day junior Jordan Cooper

Greene Central senior Dontavious Pettaway

Wayne Country Day sophomore Carlos Vazquez

Wayne Prep sophomore Jaquan Greene

Goldsboro senior Justice Wooten


First Team

Cleveland senior Trey Fields

Cleveland senior Dylan Wiggins

Cleveland senior Baron Williams

Princeton junior Aden Taylor

Neuse Charter junior Sire Holmes

Second Team

Smithfield-Selma senior Jalen Hinton

Clayton junior Will Kilpatrick 

Clayton freshman Andrew Grimes

North Johnston freshman Marcel Freeman

Corinth Holders junior Janievion Guyton

Third Team

Smithfield-Selma senior Jaylen White

Clayton junior Hugh Collins 

South Johnston junior Chase Norris

Cleveland senior Dylan Smith

West Johnston junior Caleb Gilmore

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June 2022